What people are saying.


“Thanks to Nathalie’s leadership, her company was able to secure more than 70 placements of titles included in my publishing repertoire. Uses ranged from TV to film to mechanical licenses (records).  The prestige of the catalogue she represented was significant. Being represented by her company was in of itself a way of ensuring that my music would be considered in the most serious fashion.  I do think the prestige was a direct consequence of her leadership in the company.”

— Marco Marinangeli, Grammy Nominated Composer, Songwriters and Producer

“By attending Developing the Enterpreneurial Mindset, I hoped to gain the skills necessary in adjusting my mindset from a creative side to an entrepreneurial in order to establish clarity with my career goals, successful networking and understanding the ins and outs of creating a personal brand. Nathalie did a great job of providing relevant and applicable course materials and sharing her own experience and expertise. Honestly this was a fantastic class overall, it sparked many ideas and improvements to apply to my work.”

— NYU Alumni

“Thank you for including me in this years Sound City+. I had a great time and felt it was really worthwhile. The panel sessions were really well attended and there were lots of very engaged enthusiastic and interesting people at those, as well as the 1-2-1s which were intense but fun! Thanks for all your engaged work in bringing it all together. If you are involved next year I’d certainly be up for coming along again.”

— Nicky Bignell, Head of Music Licensing BBC Rights, Legal And Business Affairs

“Thank you for hosting and being such a great moderator. I’m flattered that such a distinguished person was impressed with the presentation. It would not have been possible had you not done so much preparatory work.”

— Tony Owens, Legal Counsel, Head of AI Nokia

“Thank you so much for speaking at the conference and for sharing your extensive knowledge on getting your music in film and TV. I really appreciated it and learned a lot from you, leaving very inspired.”

— Dee Alimi, Participant Making It Happen